Thursday, 12 July 2012
Last 2 weeks
It's really good to look back on progress but I haven't really posted anything that I feel represents the work that I have actually been doing. I think I will do some (best) works on summarising what i've learned this year.
Last 2 weeks:
Some kl peeps needed a substitute person to participate in a triathlon so I offered myself as i've been doing training for the british 10km, which was funny coz I did swim training once and nearly drowned from tiredness and I cycled the race on my granny bike (obvs removed basket to make it more streamlined). It was really good in the end, pretty relaxed and we came out with a good time! The bike was a joke though, just had to lol at myself. I only got round 1 out of the 2 circuits, which went unnoticed so I ended up quite high up + in the mens league table as i was subbing for a guy. Nothing spesh.
We saw Jim Pearson (hi jim!) who was touring Germany. He was not the only familiar face we encountered this week as Pete who is erasmussing in Strasbourg came to visit which was very nice. Good chats put the experience so far in perspective.
Overall we had a lot of gd chats comparing both experiences of Camberwell and abroad. I think being abroad you are always learning something new about a different culture and the rest of the world seems to be a lot more accessible which makes u feel more relaxed and have a more perspective.
Me, Pete n Ritchie had fun. Pete arrived on the most arty day in Darm, can't remember what the festival thing was about now but there was a crowd of people jamming on their own at the same time which sounds kind of horrific but was actually kinda kool. Then we met Ritchie and went to cafe chaos where we had lots ov food. Next day me n Pete met for brekkie then later we all went to watch an outside film which we didn't watch but we went to a great summer bar where we drank a bit. Next day me n Pete went to the lake which was gr8 then we all went to an art/design/stuff auction at skl and that was it. Was really fun and nice to have someone visit!
Need to catch up a bit more but can't be bothered to write anymore n need to do work.
Friday, 25 May 2012
How my poster turned out
Looking at it now i'm relatively happy with it for a first poster attempt (shameful to say that I avoided poster projects in the past).
BUT I realize that the type size is way too small. I really miss having a printer to test stuff. I printed it knowing that it wasn't 100% perfect, just wanted to get through it and see how it would come out! Looking happy with myself (I actually really was). Learning, learning.
Felt like this project was a really good experience as it was for this 'Welcome New Zealand' book fair competition so it forced me to be a bit more 'industry minded'. I was gonna be stubborn and do a painted version but someone pointed out that on A1 you would be able to see major details.
My idea was to use these maori sayings (your basket and my basket) and illustrate it by putting things from both places inside the basket. Still happy with my idea just wished I could have worked a bit more on the details. Other people did some really good stuff, it was very enjoyable to see how everyones ideas took form.
Monday, 7 May 2012
The point of the trip was to do drawing but I also managed to improve my german and learned a lot of cool new 'slang' words and a touch of italian (spoken with an awful english accent).
We drove up on the 27th April and the journey lasted from 5:30- like 8pm. It was long but nice to go through all the different places and be on the road. Left on sat and arrived back in Darm sunday morning.
When we got there it was really nothing like I expected. It's a really old rustic town on a hill which was pretty much deserted other than the visiting students with lots of vast landscape views over short windy brick walls.
On the first full day we all met up in the studio and discussed our plans for the week. My plan was to draw lots and lots and just somehow fit everything together at the end.
I started drawing focussing on perspectives and then tried to be a bit more looser using ink and oil pastels and experimenting a bit with colour. I also kept another small sketchbook doing simple line drawings. I had some feedback from my tutor suggesting to continue this and using small squared paper format and just make lots of these sketches to fill up the wall space so this is what I did for the entire week.
Although I usually enjoy using a more experimental approach it was good for me to do be able to do something with a kind of predictable outcome because it was really good for me to be able to focus and develop this style of drawing and manipulate specifics like where I filled in shadows and the layout etc. This way of working really worked for me and I was able to work really solidly, almost obsessively. I think I feel like it has been a good development because i've found it hard to be able to express what I want to communicate and get distracted by the main concept, but this week really proved to me the importance of basic drawing and the what interests me/ the way I see.
It was also good, as always, to see the way that other people were working. I really like working in a studio in close proximity of other people but also being able to have my own space.
Pics can be found on my tumblr
Friday, 20 April 2012
WELCOME poster for New Zealand
This was my first try. It is of a Maori man. They have a traditional dance that they do where they over emphasize their facial expressions...

Feedback from crit: The most known image of someone sticking their tongue out is Einstein, what has Einstein got to do with NZ/Frankfurt/bookfair?
I also did this. It's Frankfurt and New Zealand skylines back to back.

Feedback was that nobody really knows the NZ skyline, it's not very distinguishable. I agree, I had trouble remembering which was which. I still like the image though.
Saturday, 14 April 2012
Unorganised proj
Thursday, 29 March 2012
Sunday, 25 March 2012
2nd semester
Friday, 17 February 2012
Wednesday, 8 February 2012
MM Storytelling VID
MM Storytelling from Kate Bailey-Neale on Vimeo.
This is my vid that I made with the illustrations from the compact course that we did in the first few weeks.
I accepted the challenge of learning new programs and I am really happy with how it's all come out! Defs gonna do more vids now i've learned some AE skills.
All 15 pages of my publication

From this project I have been able to explore and understand some of my interests more. I really enjoyed exploring the Surrealist Manifesto and free writing and the more I researched, the more I discovered that it is an underlying theme in a lot of my work. I'm really interested in expressing the subconscious and the psychology behind how to do this.
Wednesday, 18 January 2012
ANDRE BRETON AND PHILIPPE SOUPAULT “The Magnetic Fields (fragment)” (1920)
The corridors of the big hotels are empty and the cigar smoke is hiding. A man comes down the stairway and notices that it's raining; the windows are white. We sense the presence of a dog lying near him. All possible obstacles are present. There is a pink cup; an order is given and without haste the servants respond. The great curtains of the sky draw open. A buzzing protests this hasty departure. Who can run so softly? The names lose their faces. The street becomes a deserted track.
About four o'clock that same day a very tall man was crossing the bridge that joins the separate islands. The bells, or perhaps it was the trees, struck the hour. He thought he heard the voices of his friends speaking: “The office of lazy trips is to the right,” they called to him, “and on Saturday the painter will write to you. ” The neighbors of solitude leaned forward and through the night was heard the whistling of streetlamps. The capricious house loses blood. Everybody loves a fire; when the color of the sky changes it's somebody dying. What can we hope for that would be better? Another man standing in front of a perfume shop was listening to the rolling of a distant drum. The night that was gliding over his head came to rest on his shoulders. Ordinary fans were for sale; the y bore no more fruit. People were running without knowing why in the direction of the estuaries of the sea. Clocks, in despair, were fingering their rosaries. The cliques of the virtuous were being formed. No one went near the great avenues that are the strength of the city. A single storm was enough. From a distance or close at hand, the damp beauty of prisons was not recognized. The best refuges are stations because the travelers never know which way to go. You could read in the lines of the palm that the most fragrant vows of fidelity have no future. What can we do with muscle-bound children? The warm blood of bees is preserved in bottles of mineral water. We have never seen sincerities exposed. Famous men lose their lives in the carelessness of those beautiful houses that make the heart flutter. How small they seem, these rescued tides! Earthly happinesses run in floods. Each object is Paradise.
A great bronze boulevard is the shortest road. Magical squares do not make good stopping places. Walk slowly and carefully; after a few hours you can see the pretty nose-bleed bush. The panorama of consumptives lights up. You can hear every footfall of the underground travelers. And yet the most ordinary silence reigns in these narrow places. A traveler stops, changing expression. Wondering, he approaches the colored bush. Without doubt he wants to pick it but all he can do is shake hands with another traveler who is covered with stolen jewels. Their eyes exchange sulphurous sounds like the murmuring of a dry moon, but a glance disperses the most wonderful meetings. No one could recognize the pale- faced travelers.
Monday, 16 January 2012
Sunday, 15 January 2012
Sounds like School
As soon as you feel off track ask the tutor otherwise you feel more and more lost and gradually disintegrate into a cloud of guilty failure.
Be aware of your interests and what you want to gain out of the experience/project.
Argue with the tutor if you strongly believe that you should take your project in a different direction (but you need the energy and focus to do this).
Be aware of the energy/dynamics in the classroom. How are you contributing to this?
Tackle the task head on and don’t try and bullshit that you know what you’re doing. If you don’t feel like you know what’s going on, ask other people in the class or gather a few people together to talk about it. Also talk with tutor.
Make energy for yourself by working in a way that seems natural and easy for you to gain enthusiasm for your subject. Research things you like. Obvs, but are you?
Our rock bottom= struggling through the project not really understanding and being told we’re missing the point of the brief. Being inbetweeners, not really embracing it.
Need to
Identify and admit to self and tutor when struggling/don’t understand.
Define what want to do/learn
Remain conscious and alert at all times.
Down arrow
The process of finding how to do this is enough.
Feels like i've ploughed through a giant see through wall.
Things are still slow though.
(had to centre it coz otherwise it goes strange).